Several years of hard work of the soul mates, tears and joys, shocks and disappointments ended with the beginning of the implementation of a long-standing dream – the exhibition “History through Faces”.
All-Ukrainian Charitable Fund “To You” (ACF 2U) has taken 32 photos of the Righteous Gentiles who were alive at the time the project was started and could share their memories that were included in the booklet in Ukrainian. The modern generation has been very fortunate to meet the Righteous in person, talk to them, look into their eyes, and try to understand how they have dared to do what they have done… But time is going by… Even during the project implementation, several of its heroes have joined the majority…
The project presentation included a lot of things that happened for the first time and were outstanding.
For the first time in independent Ukraine, in the premise of Presidential Office Righteous were commemorated by the Chief Executives of the state – President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the First Lady, diplomats of Lithuania, Poland, Germany, Great Britain, Israel and the USA.
For the first time in the Presidential Office blessings were given to the Chief Executives of the state and to the Righteous by Rabbi Moshe Reuven Azman, Chief Rabbi of Ukraine.
For the first time Shofar sounded in the Presidential Office thanks to Rabbi Raphael Rutman, Vice President of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Ukraine.
For the first time, ACF 2U has conducted an event at such a high level.
But this is only the beginning: the preparation of the English version of memoirs, new photos and stories processing, as well as the presentation of the project to the general public ahead.