Righteous Gentiles Commemoration at Kiev Mayor’s House 08.10.2015

Righteous Gentiles Commemoration at Kiev Mayor’s House 08.10.2015

On October, 2015 in the Column Hall of the Kiev Mayor’s office held a traditional annual honoring of Righteous Gentiles, Righteous Gentiles of Ukraine and of Babi Yar took place. The tribute was paid to the people who rescued Jews and prisoners of war from destruction during the Second World War.
The event was organized by ACF “To You” (2U), the Jewish Council of Ukraine and Kyiv City Jewish community.

The ceremony was attended by representatives of authorities, foreign embassies, local and international Jewish organizations. This year Holocaust Survivors joined Righteous Gentiles and attended this event.
Among guests there were Kiev City Mayor Vitaliy Klychko, The US Ambassador Geoffrey R. Pyatt, Ambassador of Lithuania Marius Janukonis, Deputy Head of Mission of Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany Wolfgang Bindseil, Israeli Consular Gennadiy Polishchouk, Chief Rabbis of Ukraine Moshe Reuven Asman and Alex Dukhovny, President of the Jewish Council of Ukraine Alexander Suslenskiy, ACF 2U Board Chair Julia Goldenberg, businessman and philanthropist Alexander Loifenfeld, Kiev City Jewish Community Executive Director Anatoliy Shengait, representatives of the local and international NGOs.

All speakers said about the heroism of the Righteous Gentiles and bitterly pointed out that in Kiev still there is no Holocaust Museum or the Righteous Alley.
Vitali Klitschko assured the audience that Holocaust Museum and the Righteous Alley will be constructed in Kiev. The mayor emphasized that the tragedy that happened in Babi Yar, should not be forgotten, as well as the Righteous, who saved human lives.

Head of Association of the Righteous Gentiles Sofia Yarovaya warmly thanked all those who provide assistance to the Righteous, whose number getting decreasing year by year.

Classical music and warm wishes to Righteous and Survivors accompanied the event.

ACF “To You” expresses its gratitude to all those who mad this event possible:
– Kiev City State Administration (KCSA);
– The Jewish Council of Ukraine;
– Kiev City Jewish community;
– The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC);
– Hesed “Bnei Azriel”;
– Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI);
– Alexander Loifenfeld;
– and all those who came to express their respect and gratitude to the holy men – Righteous.

Until next year….