There is such a rule in Purim – everyone should help not less than two needy, but if you combine efforts, you can help hundreds. Every year this is the basis of the initiative of the All-Ukrainian Charitable Foundation “To You” (ACF 2U) and the J-UP Network (an independent initiative of active young professionals) that unites sponsors and volunteers to bring Mishloah Manot to lonely impoverished members of the Jewish community.
This action called Mitzvah4Purim has become a traditional one already. Volunteers of the first events brought their friends with them. The number of people willing to return the joy of the holiday to the elderly is increasing year by year. Considering that, we, the organizers of this charitable action, want to thank our wonderful volunteers from the bottom of our hearts and on behalf of those who do enjoy their company and our delicious gifts.
Our initiative Mitzvah4Purim would not be possible without our partners. Our gratitude goes to:
– Religious Community of Traditional Judaism “Lev Gadol”
– Religious Community of Traditional Judaism “Masoret”;
– Jewish Agency “Sohnut-Ukraine”.