
Today, April the 7th, we are waiting for Pesach. Today is the 22nd day of compelled quarantine, but we remember that there are many people around us who need our support. Starting with the first days of quarantine, volunteers and employees of the All-Ukrainian Charitable Fund “2U” began to deliver food sets to the most impoverished people. When it became clear that the quarantine would be continued, we began to deliver Matza as well. Those who did not receive Matza before got it in addition.
Lyudmila (67 years old): “I couldn’t dreamt I would be able to celebrate Pesach at home in these stormy times. The Synagogue is far away, and it is difficult for me to reach it by myself. Anyhow, it is closed. Thank you, thank you very much, for the opportunity to celebrate Pesach”.
Sophia (83 years old): “When your volunteers visited me on Purim, I was happy. Then quarantine had started and I began to think that I wouldn’t be able to taste Matza for Pesach for the first time for many years. When representatives of ACF “2U” called me and told that there are volunteers who are eager to bring Matza to me I understood: Pesach is a holiday that couldn’t be canceled under any circumstances, epidemics, and pandemics.”
ACF “2U”, J-UP and Kyiv City Jewish Community are happy to give the possibility to many Jews all over Ukraine to celebrate Pesach according to the Tradition. We send our best wishes and congratulate everyone with the coming Pesach.
Our sincere gratitude to VAAD-Ukraine and all our sponsors, partners, and volunteers.
Chag Pesach Sameach!